Home Entertainment Jews getting a taste costs Susan Sarandon movie role, PTO Films cuts ties

Jews getting a taste costs Susan Sarandon movie role, PTO Films cuts ties

Jews getting a taste costs Susan Sarandon movie role, PTO Films cuts ties


Amidst the ongoing row surrounding her, the Academy Award a winner actress Susan Sarandon has experienced a further setback in her career. Due to anti-Semitism, a production company recently decided to sever ties with the star. Organizations as well as manufacturing companies have severed their ties with Susan as a result of her anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian views, which have provoked anger and criticism. He apologized in writing, but apparently nothing has changed because he was cut from the next movie.

At the inaugural celebration for the seventh version of the Cannes Film Festival, which took place on May 17, 2017, American star actress Susan Sarandon smiles for the camera as she arrives over a showing for Ismael’s Ghosts (The Fantomes d’Ismael). (AFP)

Susan Sarandon’s anti-Semitic comments cause PTO Films to sever ties with her.

As a business entity, PTO Movies aims to clarify that the views expressed by Susan Sarandon do not align with the perspectives of our company, emphasized a spokesperson for Far Business in a statement given to Page Six.

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David Barroso, the other co-founder of the manufacturing company, went on to say We were thinking of using them for an animated film, but after his recent remarks, we’ve changed our minds.

Barroso asserts that they have never had formal discussions with Susan, despite the fact that they strongly considered having her in their movie. Regarding her career, the independent production company had the Blue Beetle as well as Tammy star scheduled to feature in a brief movie called Slipping Away. According to the official synopsis, the movie is a thriller regarding a mentally ill man who battles both his wife’s extramarital relationship as well as his own madness. In the movie, Susan was supposed to take on Dr. Sylvia Mansfield. At a pro-Palestinian demonstration in the city of New York in November 17, Sarandon gave the layperson’s explanation which Jews were “gaining an understanding of the things it is such as to be a Muslim within this nation, that frequently confronted with aggression.”

See also: Susan Sarandon expresses regret for anti-Semitic comments she made during a Palestinian protest. “What a horrible error…”

The Debate Around Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon’s remarks regarding the war among Hamas and Israel led to her termination from her agency, UTA. Upon hearing harsh criticism for comments he made in the wake of the October 7 Hamas, the attack, which “seriously injured many staff,” the 77-year-old performer left the agency. The winner of the Academy Award apologized and gave an explanation for his prior actions on his Instagram on December 1. Susan clarified that she wasn’t planning to use like blunt words when she was suddenly asked to speak on stage. He admitted that what he had said was a grave misrepresentation.

The celebrity apologized profusely for downplaying this reality and offending anyone with her remarks. I apologize for not being more unified as that was my goal.”