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Tips for managing PCOS and pregnancy

Tips for managing PCOS and pregnancy


Many women of reproductive years suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a prevalent endocrine disorder. Although managing a pregnancy with PCOS can be difficult, it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy with the right care and attention. You can lower the risks connected with PCOS and improve your chances of a successful pregnancy by collaborating closely with your healthcare team, changing your lifestyle, and adhering to their advice.

Pregnancy and PCOS management advice (picture courtesy of Unsplash user Suhyeon Choi)

Dr. Pooja Choudhary, a senior consultant (Obstetricians and Gynecologists) at Apollo Cradle and Children’s Hospital in Chirag Enclave, New Delhi, stated in an interview with HT Lifestyle that each woman’s experience with PCOS is different, and that personalized care is required to get the best outcomes for you and your child. He recommended keeping the following things in mind to help manage PCOS and pregnancy:

  • Initial plans: It’s crucial to speak with a healthcare professional before attempting to conceive in order to create a customized plan for controlling PCOS during pregnancy. They can evaluate your unique circumstances and offer advice on lifestyle modifications and medical interventions that can enhance your fertility and lower the likelihood of problems.
  • Weight management: Weight control is a challenge for many PCOS-affected women, which can have an impact on fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Reaching and keeping a healthy weight can increase your chances of getting pregnant and lower your risk of pregnancy-related problems.
  • Medicines and treatments: Medication prescribed by your healthcare provider can help manage the symptoms of PCOS and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Medications for PCOS often involve metformin to regulate insulin levels and letrozole or clomiphene to trigger ovulation. These medication can be used in conjunction with lifestyle modifications to improve the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Track and trace your cycles: Menstrual cycles are frequently irregular in women with PCOS. Your chances of getting pregnant can be increased by keeping track of your menstrual cycle, monitoring ovulation, and using ovulation predictors to help you identify when you are most fertile.
  • Blood sugar control: Pregnant individuals diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are at an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes, a condition that may arise during pregnancy. It is crucial to diligently monitor blood sugar levels throughout this period. Managing gestational diabetes involves adhering to a well-rounded diet, maintaining regular physical activity, and, if deemed necessary, using insulin or medication to mitigate potential risks associated with the condition.

Stressing that although polycystic ovarian syndrome can make pregnancy more difficult, many women are able to conquer these obstacles with wise medical care, “A comprehensive approach, which is frequently suggested by doctors, includes changes in lifestyle tailored to each patient’s needs,” stated Dr. Manju Sinha, a doctor who treats women at Prayag Hospital Group. These adjustments include eating a well-balanced diet, exercising frequently to maintain a healthy weight, and practicing stress-reduction methods like yoga or meditation, that can improve insulin sensitivity and menstrual cycle regulation. Medication is a crucial part of managing PCOS in addition to modifying lifestyle choices. Insulin resistance is a characteristic feature of PCOS that is commonly treated with metformin, an insulin-sensitizing medication.

He suggested, “Medications such as citrate of clomiphene can be suggested to boost egg production as well as boost the chances of conception,” to women who were having trouble conceiving. It’s critical to have routine blood and ultrasound monitoring. Health care professionals can guarantee the best possible outcomes by closely monitoring hormone levels and developing follicles and making necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies offer effective alternatives when traditional treatments are no longer effective. In order to implant an embryo to the uterus and overcome some of the obstacles related to infertility caused by PCOS, in vitro fertilization (IVF) entails fertilizing both sperm and eggs outside of the body.

In this road trip, emotional assistance is vital, the speaker said. Counseling services offer individuals and their partners crucial coping mechanisms as well as psychological support because PCOS and fertility issues can be emotionally taxing. Close observation is necessary during pregnancy to manage potential complications, including gestational diabetes during pregnancy and preeclampsia, which women in PCOS are more likely to experience. By collaborating with patients to create personalized treatment plans and offering constant support, medical professionals enable women with PCOS to effectively manage pregnancy-related issues and give birth.

Women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who are expecting require close monitoring and support throughout their pregnancy. Dr. Manju Sinha strongly advises regular prenatal check-ups performed by experienced physicians specializing in high-risk pregnancies. These professionals play a vital role in overseeing the mother’s health and the baby’s development, swiftly identifying and addressing any potential complications. Moreover, effectively managing the increased risk of pregnancy-related diabetes linked to PCOS involves following a healthy and balanced diet. Medical professionals can provide personalized meal plans to regulate blood sugar levels. Additionally, incorporating regular exercise, as suggested by healthcare providers, assists in managing weight gain and maintaining overall well-being during pregnancy.

As per Dr. Manju Sinha, women in PCOS are more likely to develop pregnancy-related illnesses like preeclampsia, so early symptom detection and regular monitoring of blood pressure are crucial. To lower the risk of preeclampsia, medical professionals may in some circumstances advise taking low-dose aspirin. Additionally crucial is emotional health. Being pregnant can be stressful, particularly for people who have PCOS and may have had trouble getting pregnant. Group therapy, and honest dialogue with medical professionals can all help patients feel less anxious and provide the emotional support they need. Lastly, it’s critical that the patient, medical professionals, and support systems work together. Women in PCOS may achieve successful pregnancies and give birth to healthy babies while maintaining their own well-being by closely monitoring their health, diet, exercise, and emotional well-being.