Home Health & Fitness Diet tips, diet and lifestyle affect fertility, increase the chances of getting pregnant

Diet tips, diet and lifestyle affect fertility, increase the chances of getting pregnant

Diet tips, diet and lifestyle affect fertility, increase the chances of getting pregnant


The proverb “Food is medicine” may not be familiar to you, but it’s worth remembering when a couple plans to start a family. Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the importance of nutrition for both male and female fertility, it’s sometimes disregarded. A nutritious diet can positively impact fertility and raise the likelihood of becoming pregnant because nutrition can both protect against reduced fertility and play a protective role in a healthy pregnancy.

Advice on how to improve fertility and raise the likelihood of becoming pregnant through diet, nutrition, and lifestyle choices (Third Person)

Let’s examine a few ways that fertility and nutrition are related.

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1. Body composition as well as weight

a. Low weight : Women who are significantly underweight might encounter irregularities in their menstrual cycles or even stop ovulating altogether. This can potentially affect their fertility.

b. Obesity : Both men and women’s fertility is impacted by obesity. It can lead to diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women, erratic periods, as well as problems related to ovulation. Men’s quality of sperm may be impacted.

2. Habits of Eating

a. Folate : Adequate folate intake is necessary to prevent defects of the neural tube in fetuses. Folic acid supplements should be taken prior to and during the first few weeks of pregnancy by women who wish to become pregnant.

b. metal : An anovulation or a lack of ovulation, is a possible symptom for women who are iron deficient. It’s critical that both genders make sure their iron the amount are suitable.

c. Omega-3 fatty acids : Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the development of the brain of a kid as well as eyes. They may also have a favorable impact on both female and male fertility.

Immune factors can raise your chances of getting pregnant, according to Dr. Shobha Gupta, Health Director, Gynecologist, as well as Infertility is Expert at mom Lap IVF Center within New Delhi as well as Vrindavan, who spoke with HT Lifestyle. and an adequate ovulatory cycle, as well as having enough nourishment to help a woman become pregnant or improve a man’s opportunities of generating sufficient motile, well-formed sperm. He clarified, saying, There are various eating habits, but men and women require different nutrients for fertility. as well as foods which are usually nutritious. allowing your reproductive system what it requires for ideal fertility starts with a regular, consistent diet that includes plenty of vegetables, fish, iron, and healthy saturated fats. A person’s intake of specific nutrients, which are necessary for each step of the ovulation as well as the generation of sperm, may be assessed by dietitians.

However, he also discovered that certain dietary patterns, nutrients, or nutritionally related biological changes that lower the likelihood of the ovulation as well as production of sperm are dietary hazards for fertility. These include the following:

a. Alcohol and Caffeine : Limiting alcohol intake during pregnancy is advised because it has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. Fertility issues can also arise from excessive alcohol consumption.

b. Glucose and insulin resistance : Insulin resistance, a medical condition associated with disorders like PCOS, has been linked to an improved food high in sugar. Resistance to insulin in women can influence ovulation.

Reaching an unhealthy weight, whether excessively heavy or too lean, stands as a key factor linked to a decline in fertility. Dr. Shobha Gupta highlighted that for women, having a BMI (Body Mass Index) exceeding 30 kg/m2 or falling below 20 kg/m2 could contribute to decreased fertility. BMI gauges a person’s weight concerning their height. Seeking guidance from a nutritionist to safely and effectively manage weight towards a healthier range can notably enhance fertility. Additionally, diets rich in fats, simple sugars, or alcohol have been correlated with reduced fertility in both men and women. Deficiencies in vital micronutrients crucial for ovulation and sperm production could also impact fertility. While ensuring adequate food intake is crucial, supplements might become necessary in such cases.

“In addition, lifestyle variables like idleness also lower your fertility,” he continued. Exercise that is moderate to frequent has a favorable impact on both general health and fertility. However, excessive exercise can cause irregular menstrual cycles in women. Chronic stress can also affect the most common and significant reproductive hormones. Two beneficial methods for reducing stress are yoga and meditation. Higher triglyceride and cholesterol levels in results of blood tests have been linked to decreased fertility. Treatment options for this may include medication as well as a special diet, depending on the outcome of every test taken as well as family history.

Dr. Shobha Gupta says that by maintaining an active lifestyle as well as consuming the necessary nutrients, a balanced diet can have a positive impact on reproduction as well as increase the likelihood of conception.

  • enhances the sperm as well as egg quality, respectively
  • controls hormones
  • encourages a regular as well as healthy menstrual cycle
  • promotes uterine health
  • equilibrium the levels of blood sugar
  • lessens the inflammatory response
  • enhances general health

According to Shobha Gupta, “This is recommended to speak with a dietitian over an in-depth nutritional evaluation along with personalized suggestions to make sure which you’re eating an appropriate diet that offers every nutrient you need over a sound ovulatory cycle, sound production of sperm as well as a happy the course of pregnancy.”