Home Health & Fitness 7 cases of walking pneumonia detected in India between April-September know the symptoms, prevention tips

7 cases of walking pneumonia detected in India between April-September know the symptoms, prevention tips

7 cases of walking pneumonia detected in India between April-September know the symptoms, prevention tips


according to a report released by the scientific journal Lancet Microbe, the Indian Institute for Medical Sciences, or AIIMS, hospital in India found Mycoplasma pneumoniae, also known as walking pneumonia, in seven samples that were collected. This infection has been linked to a rise in hospital stays in China as well as the United States of America. However, the Indian government stated that these cases are unrelated to the covert pneumonia outbreak in China and America. Considered a mild form of pneumonia, mobile pneumonia manifests symptoms like headache, sore throat, and chest pain and spreads slowly.

At 611 specimens examined that the Institute of Microbiology, AIIMS New Delhi, as part of the ICMR’s multi-respiratory disease investigation which included severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARI), which comprised roughly 95 percent of these cases no Mycoplasma pneumonia was found, according to confirmation from the Indian government (Freepik)

It has been explicitly stated that the seven cases discovered during the ongoing six-month investigation at AIIMS Delhi (April to September 2023) are unrelated to the recent surge in pediatric respiratory illnesses reported in China and other global regions. The Indian government reassures that there is no cause for alarm or worry regarding any connection between these cases and the aforementioned respiratory issues.

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As part of the ICMR’s multi-respiratory illness inquiry, including acute lung disease (SARI), that encompassed roughly ninety-five percent of these instances, the Ministry of Health of the nation verified which no Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma had been identified within 611 specimens examined that the Institute of microbiology, AIIMS Delhi. It was carried out using a real-time PCR technique.

How hospitalizations due to walking pneumonia rise in China

The WHO said in a statement on November 23 which Chinese health authorities have connected known pathogens that cause non-cold symptoms, like adenoviruses, influenza viruses, and RSV, to the rise in hospitalizations since October. The bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which infects the lungs, is the main reason for the rise in hospitalized children since May, particularly in northern towns like Beijing. According to Dr. Tushar Tayal, the chief Consultant, Internal Medicine at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, it has impacted children a lot this year but is usually moderate and requires no bed rest or hospitalization.

Are Indian cases of mobile the illness comparable to those of Chinese pneumonia?

Indeed, the pneumonia that was discovered in China is the same one. Walking pneumonia, another name for pneumonia that is unusual, is a mild kind of the illness that frequently lets patients carry on with their regular activities. It is typically not brought on by a typical bacterial infection. or viruses, but uncommon bacteria like Mycoplasma is pneumonia, Chlamydophila pneumonia, as well as Legionella pneumophila that cause common pneumonia. Age or location have no bearing on it. It can impact individuals of all ages and from many geographical locations, including China and India, as well as different life stages. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the prevalence of respiratory illnesses, such as walking pneumonia, may vary depending on the area and population. variables like the density of the population, the quality of the air, and medical facilities, etc. Senior Consultant in Pulmonary and Critical Care at Metro Hospitals as well as the Heart the Institute, Noida Sector-12, Uttar Pradesh, is Dr. Deepak Prajapat.

The distinction between walking pneumonia and pneumonia

Walking pneumonia and pneumonia are both forms of lung infection, according to Dr. Tayal, but they differ significantly. The general word for irritation of the lungs’ tiny air sacs, or alveoli, is pneumonia. These inflammatory agents may be viruses, bacteria, or fungi.

Pneumonia symptoms can include:

  • a cough that discharges mucus, or phlegm
  • Fever
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Pain in the chest
  • Exhaustion

Influenza can be a dangerous condition, particularly for small children, the elderly, and those with long-term medical conditions. It may result in being hospitalized or even death in specific circumstances.

According to Dr. Tayal, mobile pneumonia, also referred to as unusual pneumonia, is a less severe type of pneumonia that is typically brought on by the pneumonia-causing bacteria yet can also be brought on by other bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Walking pneumonia symptoms include:

  • throat pain (pharyngitis)
  • weariness (weariness)
  • discomfort or pain in the chest
  • Fever with a low grade (less than 38 degrees Celsius or 101 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • A little cold
  • a cough
  • sneezing
  • A headache

The term “walking pneumonia” refers to the fact that people with the illness can frequently continue with their regular activities.

Walking pneumonia can strike anyone at any time. If they have asthma or persistent obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or if they are sixty-five years of age or younger, you have a higher chance of contracting pneumonia.

Advice on how to avoid developing walking pneumonia

According to Dr. Tayal, India is putting into practice a number of measures to both prevent and treat walking pneumonia, such as:

1. Observation and investigation

tracking trends in antibiotic resistance to make sure that current therapies are working.

2. Education and public awareness

to inform people about the signs and symptoms of walking pneumonia, how to avoid getting it, and how crucial it is to get treatment as soon as possible.

3. Schedules for vaccinations

to evaluate the potential contribution of current vaccinations, such as the PCV pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, to the prevention of Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced pneumonia.

4. Interventions in society

adoption of social policies to encourage good breathing practices and lower the risk of walk-behind pneumonia transmission.

Dr. Tayal offers additional prophylactic advice to ward against infection:

1. Practice hand hygiene :

Frequently wash your hands over a minimum of twenty seconds with soap and water, especially after using the restroom, right before eating, and right after sneezing or coughing. Use a hand sanitizer made from alcohol with at least sixty percent alcohol if water as well as soap aren’t available.

2. When you experience a sneeze or cough, ensure to shield both your nose and mouth :

Use a piece of paper or your elbow to protect your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. By doing this, the chance of germs spreading is decreased.

3. Avoid close contact with sick people :

Try to keep your distance from sick people, especially if they are coughing or have a cold.

4. Do not smoke :

In addition to harming your lungs, smoking increases your risk of respiratory infections, such as walking pneumonia.

5. Stay hydrated :

Stay hydrated, especially with water, to support your body’s detoxification and maintain a healthy immune system.