Home Pakistan News Pakistan Urges Developed Countries to Meet Pledge of $100 Billion in Climate Finance

Pakistan Urges Developed Countries to Meet Pledge of $100 Billion in Climate Finance

Pakistan Urges Developed Countries to Meet Pledge of $100 Billion in Climate Finance


During the address he gave given during the 28th Bringing together for the Parties (COP) for the UN General Assembly in Dubai, PM Anwar Ul Haq Kakar stressed which developed countries must give nations who are developing a significant amount of money and continuous support that will assist them get past obstacles. because of the repercussions for climate change.

In his speech, Kakar emphasized how important it is to meet the one hundred billion pledge to finance climate change. He stressed that this financial support ought to be given as grants rather than loans and that it shouldn’t come out from development the money. More importantly, Kakar raised concerns about the potential for incorporating to the existing debt that numerous nations that are developing currently have.

Kakar called on wealthy nations to step up their attempts to help nations who are developing adapt to the climate shift and to increase their worldwide contributions to attempts to reduce the impacts of warmer temperatures.

He advocated setting clear goals and creating a system over regularly evaluating accomplishments. In particular, Kakar suggested that the bulk of the funds that have been allocated for the environment ought to assist countries in tackling the issue at hand.

Prime Minister Kakar highlighted the dire consequences of global warming as an existential danger by citing Pakistan’s recent history of catastrophic floods and concerning predictions that this year will be the warmest on the record.

He cited these instances to illustrate the real and pressing effects of global warming that countries—particularly developing ones are having to deal to.

Kakar highlighted Pakistan’s resolve to address climate change and provided information on the nation’s adaptation strategy. He also started the Life in the the Indus responsibility, a novel way to deal with issues related to climate change.

Kakar gave an explanation of Pakistan’s initiatives to create a global fund over damages and losses. He urged the UAE-led COP28 to rally backing for finance for climate change, technology transfer, and emerging countries’ capacity development.

He promoted the sharing of responsibilities among nations, emphasizing the concepts of equality and distinct responsibilities.

In order to help developing countries meet their targets for sustainable development, the prime minister stressed the idea of climate justice. In essence, Kakar’s speech advocated for coordinated global action, with developed nations shouldering the burden of aiding developing nations in their battle against global warming whereas upholding principles of fairness and equity.