Home Health & Fitness Diabetes management: Comprehensive ways to control blood sugar with diet and lifestyle changes

Diabetes management: Comprehensive ways to control blood sugar with diet and lifestyle changes

Diabetes management: Comprehensive ways to control blood sugar with diet and lifestyle changes


Chronic diseases linked to a poor lifestyle, like diabetes, are becoming more and more common in the modern world. These diseases can be brought on by a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, high levels of stress, and other factors. The World Health Organization estimates that 77 million Indians aged 18 and older have type 2 diabetes, while another 25 million have prediabetes, which puts them at a higher risk of the disease.

Diabetes care: All-encompassing approaches to blood sugar regulation through dietary and lifestyle modifications (Image via Unsplash; photo by Myriam Zilles)

It is astonishing that over 50% of these individuals are unaware that they have diabetes, a condition that can lead to major health issues if left undiagnosed and untreated. However, managing diabetes involves more than just regulating blood sugar levels; it involves a complex interplay of multiple factors, and comprehensive care goes beyond prescription drugs. Poor sleep has been linked in recent research to decreased glucose metabolism; however, mental health and nutrition—including stress-reduction techniques, mindfulness exercises, and nutrition and support—are two other crucial pillars of comprehensive diabetes management. It may have comparable physiological significance to insulin. guidelines.

Dr. Nisha, a proficient dietitian and nutritionist at Mom Hospitals in Gurgaon, explained the two primary types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes emerges when the body’s beta cells in the pancreas, responsible for producing insulin—a crucial hormone for regulating blood sugar levels—are destroyed. Individuals with type 1 diabetes necessitate either a pump or daily insulin injections for management. This form predominantly affects children and teenagers, constituting approximately 5% of cases in adults. Conversely, type 2 diabetes, representing about 95% of adult cases, is thought to result from a blend of environmental and genetic factors, such as diet, inadequate exercise, obesity, and chronic stress. It typically develops due to insulin resistance, a condition where cells struggle to effectively utilize insulin.

Research has garnered mounting interest in gestational diabetes, a distinctive form of diabetes impacting expecting mothers. This condition manifests through elevated blood sugar levels during pregnancy. The female body adjusts its utilization of glucose to furnish additional energy for the developing fetus. While certain women can generate more insulin to manage this surge, others face challenges meeting this escalated requirement. Gestational diabetes poses adverse implications before and after childbirth. Expectant mothers grappling with this condition face an elevated likelihood of developing preeclampsia a severe health concern characterized by heightened vulnerability to hypertension and potentially life threatening consequences.

Dietary care for those with diabetes is crucial because the disease necessitates an integrated approach to prevention of both short- and long-term consequences. Dietary and nutritional therapies that help regulate blood sugar levels have been made simpler by Dr. Nisha.

  • Diet in fiber: Fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels and controls how your body breaks down food. Whole grains, fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables are among the foods high in fiber. Steer clear of handled fruit juices and drinks because they may be high in sugar, which is bad for your health.
  • Healthy carbohydrates: During the digestive process, sugars and carbs transform into blood glucose. Carbs fall into two groups: complex and simple, with sugars being in the latter. Prioritize nutrient-packed, wholesome carbs like quinoa, beans, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Omega 3: Diabetics can benefit from including omega-3 fats in their diet as they were found to be effective in significantly lowering triglycerides. Wealthy in omega-3 fats are fish like sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon. In addition, edamame, walnuts, and chia seeds are excellent sources of Omega-3 fats.
  • Healthy fats: Consuming a diet high in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids can help reduce cholesterol. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil are a few foods high in good fats. Since fats all contain a lot of calories, take care not to overdo it.

Dr. Nisha stated, “It includes iron, calcium, folate, and other supplements that your physician uses. In alongside what you eat, it contains a combination with lots of fiber, healthy fats, nutritious carbohydrates, and Omega 3 fatty acids. It is important for women who have diabetes during pregnancy.” recommends. During digestion, blood glucose is produced through the breakdown of sugar and carbs. Simple carbohydrates are another name for sugars, and complex carbohydrates are another name for carbs.” Pay attention to wholesome carbs like:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes, including peas and beans
  • dairy products low in fat, like cheese and milk

Steer clear of less healthful carbs, like those found in foods and beverages that have extra salt, sugar, or fat.

  • Heart-healthy fish:Fish is heart-healthy; eat it twice a week or more. Wealthy in omega-3 fats are fish like sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon. The heart disease that these omega-3s can prevent. Steer clear of fried seafood and seafood that has high mercury content, like cod.
  • “Good” fats: Consuming a diet high in mono- and polyunsaturated fats may lower cholesterol. Among them are:
  • Avocado
  • Groundnuts.
  • Nuts, olive oil, and canola.

Remember that fats are packed with calories, so don’t overdo it. “To manage their overall well-being, people should adopt particular ways of life to reduce the long-term risk of developing lifestyle problems like diabetes,” proposed Alakesh Das, PhD, Studies Scientist-Cell Biologist at HaystackAnalytics. Studies indicate that incorporating basic lifestyle exercises into your daily routine can be as simple to be walking, exercising, running, swimming, or practicing yoga for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. This will assist you in managing your weight as well as your hormone levels, insulin sensitivity, and immune system.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) states that getting approximately seven hours of sleep each night helps to keep your mind and body relaxed,” he said in closing. This will assist you in managing your stress levels and mental wellness, which constitutes one of the primary causes of diabetes, in addition to helping you stay in shape. Apart from implementing these lifestyle modifications, it is advised to schedule routine medical examinations to keep an eye on any developing health conditions like diabetes. It’s also advised to choose genetic testing if you want to know your DNA composition and whether you are predisposed to certain lifestyle diseases like diabetes. This makes it possible for medical professionals to provide you a customized care plan that will enable you to take optimal care of your health.