Home Health & Fitness Dark chocolate for the heart to blueberries for the brain: The benefits of antioxidant foods

Dark chocolate for the heart to blueberries for the brain: The benefits of antioxidant foods

Dark chocolate for the heart to blueberries for the brain: The benefits of antioxidant foods


Antioxidants may reduce the likelihood for a variety for illnesses, including heart disease, cancers that are particular, as well as chronic illnesses linked to oxidative stress. They can also shield the body to the damaging effects for free radicals. A wide range of meals contain those advantageous substances, with vegetables and fruits being among the most renowned sources of information.

Antioxidant-rich foods: from blueberries over brain health to chocolaty cacao for heart health (Shutterstock is )

Dr. Ruchi Rai, a nutritionist that SRV Hospitalization within Goregaon, said within a conversation in HT Lifestyle that these foods are typically characterized by their substantial amount of fiber, low cholesterol and saturated fat levels, and profusion of vitamins and essential minerals. For adults over 50, macular degeneration caused by age, or AMD, which is is a particularly prevalent cause for permanent vision loss. Antioxidants have the potential to lower your AMD risk by as much as 25%. They can assist you in maintaining a greater amount of your vision if you currently have AMD. Cataract risk can be decreased by taking vitamins C and E. Additionally, antioxidants can delay the progression of cataracts, preserving vision for a longer period of time.

He mentioned that antioxidants found in vegetables, fruits, and nutrient-rich foods play a crucial role in protecting artery walls and reducing the risk of coronary artery disease, emphasizing their benefits for heart health. Additionally, antioxidants have the potential to reduce blood pressure, enhance the function of endothelial cells in blood vessels, and promote optimal blood circulation. In response to inquiries about antioxidants for skin health, the nutritionist highlighted the potent antioxidant properties of vitamins E and C. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, stimulates collagen production, enhances skin elasticity, and diminishes the appearance of wrinkles. The combined effects of vitamin C and E on skin health can be further enhanced through their use in cosmetics or by incorporating them into a well-balanced diet.

A dietitian at the Sir HN Reliance Foundation’s Hospital in Mumbai, Vedika Premani applied her expertise to explain, saying, “The antioxidants have particles which may assist the body fight damaging free radicals, that have been related to fighting an array of health conditions.” There are antioxidants in Minerals such as selenium, zinc, and manganese, as well as vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, are abundant in plant-based diets. Rich in antioxidants and packed with health benefits are foods such as dark chocolate, fruits, broccoli, red grapes, almonds, green tea, and leafy green vegetables.

In the body, antioxidants are essential for lowering inflammatory processes, shielding arteries, as well as scavenging dangerous molecules called free radicals. Their association with a lower risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity is well-established,” he explained further. Antioxidants have the ability to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels while improving the function of blood vessels, thereby contributing to better cardiovascular health. They bolster the immune system, aiding the body in its defense against illnesses and infections. Furthermore, their anti-inflammatory properties may alleviate symptoms of flu and chronic inflammation. By safeguarding tissues and cells from damage, antioxidants can delay the visible signs of aging. They promote skin health by slowing down the aging process, shielding the skin from UV rays, improving cognitive function, and reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

He stated, “Some antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin found in blueberries, can preserve eye health and reduce the likelihood of age-associated macular degeneration (AMD).” Antioxidants can help people keep good vision by lowering the risk of the AMD by up to 25% and slowing the development of cataracts. Maintaining a healthy diet rich in a range for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds all of which serve as pure sources of antioxidant compounds—is essential to reaping the benefits of antioxidants. You can boost the amount of antioxidants of your diet by including meal preparations like smoothies, salads, and vegetable soups, as well as a range of intermittent fruits, dark chocolate balls, and herbal teas.”

Dt Ruchi Rai emphasized:

  • DARK CHOCOLATE: Compounds in dark chocolate help prevent LDL from oxidizing, which lowers the likelihood of heart disease. Furthermore, it supplies vital minerals like copper, iron, the mineral magnesium, as well as manganese, which all of which are necessary for the production of healthy red blood cells, bolstering the immune system, as well as preserving strong bones. Dark chocolate and cocoa contain antioxidants, which have been related to a number of important health advantages, including lowered risk of heart disease and inflammation.
  • BLUEBERRIES: Blueberries have anti-inflammatory qualities and are high in potassium as well as vitamin C, which lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and nutrients but low in calories. Furthermore, studies have shown that blueberries can halt the deterioration of brain function that comes with aging. This effect is attributed to the antioxidants found in blueberries. Blueberries, in spite of their diminutive size, are nutrient-dense, high in minerals and vitamins, as well as packed with anthocyanins, potent antioxidants.
  • CARBOHYDRATES: Nuts are a great snack because they’re packed with fiber, protein, as well as saturated fat. Walnuts, which resemble the human brain remarkably well, have been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine to support brain health, aid in the preservation of healthy brain cells, and possibly improve memory. Walnuts’ primary attribute is their substantial polyphenol content. Together with antioxidants, these substances hinder oxidative stress, which lowers inflammation, regulates weight, and wards off diseases like cancer.
  • PLUMS: One of the best foods for antioxidants is plum. Nutrients and phytochemicals found in plums help to lower inflammation, which is a major cause of heart disease. Plums support healthy digestion, much like prunes do. Their high sorbitol (sugar alcohol) content serves as a type of natural laxative, allowing food to pass via the intestines more easily.

In her conclusion, Dr. Ruchi Rai stated that antioxidants are crucial for defending the body against cellular and tissue deterioration, which lowers the risk of diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Heart disease and certain types of cancer may be less likely to occur in people who consume a diet high in antioxidants. Antioxidants work by eliminating radicals that are free to the body’s cells and minimizing or preventing oxidative damage. A varied intake of foods from the following five main food groups is advised for a healthy as well as well-balanced diet: fruits, vegetables, whole cereals and grains, lean meat, poultry, or substitute foods like eggs, fish, tofu, legumes, nuts, as well as seeds; also, low-fat foods should be preferred.