Home Health & Fitness Primary ovarian insufficiency: Causes, signs and symptoms, POI treatment tips

Primary ovarian insufficiency: Causes, signs and symptoms, POI treatment tips

Primary ovarian insufficiency: Causes, signs and symptoms, POI treatment tips


The primary ovary insufficiency (POI) is a disorder that affects how well the ovaries function. In women under 40, it can cause irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles and decreased estrogen levels. However, POI can affect women of any age. Even though there are many potential causes of POI, such as autoimmune diseases and genetic disorders, its precise mechanisms are still unknown.

The signs and symptoms of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) and treatment recommendations (Image via Twitter user Dreadful45)

Causes and signs or symptoms:

Dr. Nisha Pansare, a reproduction consultant at Nova IVF Fertility in Pune, stated in a conversation with HT Lifestyle that environmental factors like exposure to certain chemicals or toxins can cause POI. Decreased quantity and quality of eggs obtained through fertilization are the most obvious effects of early ovarian aging. In addition to making it harder for women to become pregnant naturally, this decline in egg quality raises the possibility of infertility and pregnancy problems in the event that conception does take place. For women who hope to become mothers in the future, it is crucial to comprehend and identify the signs of ovarian cancer early on, as there are interventions and quick fixes available to protect reproductive health.Research has demonstrated that long-term stress can cause irregular hormone levels in women, which can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

She expressed that irregular or nonexistent menstrual patterns often indicate post-operative insomnia. Some individuals facing primary ovarian insufficiency may not outwardly exhibit signs of the condition. Additional symptoms could encompass irregular or absent menstrual cycles, infertility, decreased sexual desire, concentration difficulties, itching, dry eyes, sudden heat sensations, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and painful vaginal sensations.

Dr. Nisha Pansare discussed how POI affects the body, stating that “a decrease in estrogen levels is caused by primary ovarian failure.” Hot flashes, decreased appetite, and mood swings are among the menopause-like symptoms that can result from this hormone drop. Additionally, it raises the risk of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, and a host of other illnesses. Primary ovarian insufficiency frequently results in infertility, but treatments like donor eggs, IVF (in vitro fertilization), and fertility medications can help get pregnant.

Dealing with POI:

Dr. Nisha Pansare of Fer suggested that hormone therapy could be advantageous for individuals diagnosed with POI. For women managing POI, a well-balanced diet plays a crucial role in regulating hormone levels and improving overall health. Including omega-3-rich foods such as fish and flaxseeds in one’s diet aids in maintaining the right hormonal balance. Moreover, incorporating ample antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables supports reproductive health by shielding against oxidative stress. Prolonged stress can diminish hormone levels and worsen post-osteoarthritis symptoms. Thus, acquiring effective stress reduction techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation, and embracing enjoyable and relaxing hobbies is beneficial.

She emphasized the vital importance of prioritizing self-care when dealing with this condition. Accepting a diagnosis of primary ovarian insufficiency can be emotionally challenging. Building a network of understanding individuals, even if it’s through a support group, is essential. Engaging with others who have faced similar challenges, exchanging experiences, emotions, and concerns, provides validation and valuable advice for managing POI.

She said in closing, “Women can effectively preserve their fertility by being aware of the effects of premature degeneration of the ovaries on reproductive health. Frequent screening can assist in spotting possible issues before they become serious. Overall reproductive health can be enhanced by implementing lifestyle modifications like giving up smoking, eating a balanced diet and exercising frequently to maintain a healthy weight, and practicing stress-reduction methods like yoga or meditation.